What is a Well-Being Certification?
Well-being is a complex multidimensional concept that encompasses both objective and subjective criteria. Objective criteria include a person’s access to meeting basic physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization needs. Subjective criteria include the energy and strength needed to meet life challenges that includes the ability to adapt to changes, experience autonomy, build and maintain good relationships with others, and the ability to achieve satisfaction, happiness, self fulfilment and live a purposeful life.
- A state where “a person can enjoy life, and has the resources to cope and manage the stresses of life including the ability to adapt to changes and bounce back from adversities“.
- According to the 2020 UK Labour Force Survery, stress, depression and anxiety accounted for 44 percent all work related ill-health cases and 54 percent of all working days lost due to ill health. Poor working conditions, poor communication, excessive work schedules, poor management support can cause significant stress and poor mental health that results in decreased performance and productivity.
According to ILO, organizational well-being refers to the company’s ability to create and maintain a culture where employees fulfill their potential and the organization fulfils its purpose. Satisfied employees are more productive, more committed, more creative, and deliver higher quality work.
Employee well-being depends upon a number of factors including working environment, job satisfaction, quality and safety, organizational climate and culture, and generally how employees feel about their work. Organizations are increasingly realizing that employees are the heart and soul of the organization and are progressing in their efforts to implement programs and practices that create an environment in which employees are empowered to thrive. A psychologically healthy workplace is one that actively works towards supporting employee wellbeing by preventing risk factors that may harm a person’s psychological health while implementing practices that promote wellbeing.
Recognizing the importance of organizational employee well-being, at IMEQ© we have developed a Guidance Certification Program designed to help companies develop or update well-being policies culture in their organization by following a five step process that leads to certification. The step by step procedure aims to :
- Develop a well-being policy for your organisation.
- Define well-being in your organization.
- Recognize key drivers of well-being.
- Assess current well-being policies and practices in your organization.
- Assess resources currently available .
- Develop strategies with a plan and budget to establish or improve well-being programs in the organization
- Implement trainings on mental health
- Implement practices to support employees dealing with mental health issues
- Review and improve well-being programs
The five stages to certification include:
- Awareness Stage : Problem identification.
- Policy & Commitment Stage
- Planning Stage & Assessment Stage
- Implementation Stage
- Evaluation & Review Stage
Awareness Stage
The stage where problem is recognized, key issues or patterns are identified and organizational readiness is documented.
Policy & Commitment Stage
The stage where wellbeing committee is established, commitment and support is achieved, policy is developed, allocation of resources is generated.
Planning and Assessment Stage
The stage where objectives and strategies are designed, data collection implemented, Ocean IV, findings analyzed and risks prioritized and action plan is developed.
Implementation Stage
The stage includes actions and strategies designed during stage 3 to improve and support employee wellbeing policies . It includes awareness, educational actions or wellbeing practices.
Evaluation & Review Stage
The stage includes evaluation of intended outcomes and effectiveness of actions, including further actions for continual improvements of the wellbeing policies.
Well-Being Certification
At IMEQ© we are committed to building and sustaining a psychologically healthy and safe workplace for everyone.

IMEQ©'s innovative well-being certification helps maritime companies to create effective workplace wellbeing strategies and engage onshore and onboard employees in achieving their personal wellbeing goals whilst encouraging psychologically healthy behaviours.
The program is designed to provide the skills and knowledge required to tackle ill health and achieve well-being at work. With the process in place, organizations achieve productivity gains, reduce absence and provide a better place to work.
- Achieve well-being
- Increase performance & productivity gains
- Enhance communication between onshore and onboard personnel
- Implement corporate strategies with quantifiable outcomes
- Reduce risk factors of poor mental health
More about this certification.
- What's the purpose of this certification?
- To tackle workplace factors that may negatively impact mental well-being
- To develop and design strategies to promote employee well-being.
- To manage mental health problems effectively.
As an employer we aim to create and promote a workplace environment that supports and promotes the mental well-being of all employees. We acknowledge that certain working conditions and practices can negatively affect employees’ mental wellbeing. This includes aspects of work organisation and management, such as environmental and social conditions, that have the potential for psychological as well as physical harm.
- What's the process of completing this certification?
The IMEQ© team has developed a 5-step well-being program to be implemented within a period of 6 months. The program will be reviewed six months from implementation and then annually after that to ensure that it remains relevant.
- Is there an exam I need fulfill?
Prior to initiating the process, the IMEQ© team provides surveys to all employees in order to review and analyse the current well-being status. There is testing within the process that all employers need to complete.
- Why should I choose this specific well-being certification?
IMEQ© is the only official center in the maritime industry to have designed a step by step standard guidance program and provide an approved certification.
- How long will it be valid for?
A well-being program is an ongoing process that undergoes review every year, to ensure. Its effectiveness and continual improvement.
- What data do you collect, and how you measure them?
IMEQ© will collect mental health data and personal information of each employee. Note that all data remains anonymous. We follow a very strict GDPR policy which is certified by Bureau Veritas.
- In which language is this certification carried out?
The well-being certification is in English. However, there are language options so the employees may undergo assessments in the following: English, Greek, Russian, Japanese, and Ukrainian.